The Role Of Proper Ductwork Design In HVAC Performance
Ductwork design is one of those things that many homeowners never give a second thought. Especially in newer construction where it is stowed away in floors, ceilings or soffits, ductwork is often hidden from view and therefore easy to ignore. But ductwork plays a critical role in your HVAC system’s efficiency and ability to maintain a comfortable temperature in your home. Neglecting it or failing to design it properly in the first place can result in ongoing problems and higher energy costs.
A forced air heating and cooling system is all about balanced air supply and air flow. The furnace or central air conditioner depends on a home’s ductwork to both deliver the conditioned air and return it be re-conditioned. A home without an adequate number of supply registers won’t stay comfortable. It simply won’t have enough openings for the conditioned air to flow through.
If you’ve noticed rooms that seem to never stay warm or cool enough, the issue may be with the ductwork design. Ideally, each room in your home should have its own register, as well as an air return grate in a nearby location. If not, the ducts may not have been properly designed during construction. Of course, it’s always a good idea to make sure that the various registers in your home aren’t blocked by furniture or curtains. Many homeowners find that this simple check solves the problem and saves them from undertaking a large-scale duct renovation.
If that doesn’t do the trick, call in a professional. Not only will a qualified technician be able to assess the design of your ductwork, but he or she will also be able to identify any problems that can be more easily remedied. For example, reconnecting or sealing leaking ductwork is fast, easy and can result in significant energy savings right away.
For well over 30 years, Symbiont Service Corp. has been designing, installing and servicing high-performing heating and cooling systems for their customers. Don’t let improper ductwork design keep you from being comfortable in your own home. Contact us today to learn how we can help.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about ductwork design and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
Duct image via Shutterstock
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