Geothermal FAQ: Industry Experts Give You Everything You Need To Know
Of all the kinds of pool heating that exist, GeoThermal is the most energy efficient and conserves natural resources. If you are interested in this kind of aquatic heating, read through these geothermal FAQs to learn the basics. Using GeoThermal resources for pool heating offers significant advantages over electrical, gas or solar pool heating.
- How does geothermal pool heating work? The temperature underground is stable throughout the year, as is well or lake water. GeoThermal systems use heat pumps to harvest the heat from the water. The only fuel that these systems use is electricity. The water in the pool and the water used for heating never combine.
- Can the pool get warmer than its water source? Yes. Underground water in Florida stays about 75 degrees all year long. The GeoThermal heat pump intensifies the heat, so you can set your pool for any range of comfortable swimming temperature.
- Can I save money compared to heating with gas? This is one of our most common GeoThermal FAQs. Yes, you can save from 70 to 90 percent with a GeoThermal pool heater. Additionally, the systems have a longer life, which offsets the cost of pool heating. GeoThermal systems last between 15 to 20 years, as opposed to other systems with a 5- to 10-year lifespan.
- Do these systems work with spas? Yes, you can heat water efficiently for spas, Jacuzzis and hot tubs.
- Can I cool my pool in the summer when the water is too hot? Heat pumps by their nature contain reversing valves. A GeoThermal pool heating system can cool the water, which saves chemicals and increases the comfort of swimmers. In fact, GeoThermal cooling is one of the most efficient ways to lower the temperature of water, since it reduces evaporative losses, lowering the demand for water.
Symbiont Service Corp. is one of the oldest names in GeoThermal pool heating and cooling. If you have an aquatic facility, community pool or a backyard pool you want to use all year with a minimal environmental impact, contact us and we’ll be happy to introduce to more benefits of GeoThermal systems.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about geothermal and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
Geothermal image via Shutterstock |
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