Ductwork Sealing: If You Have Forced-Air Cooling Or A Heat Pump, You Need It
If you’re like many homeowners who live along the Florida Suncoast, you may not realize the benefits of ductwork sealing. In fact, you may not think about your ducts at all, and this oversight could be costing you money. Luckily, there’s an easy solution.
Your ducts should be a closed system that conduct air from your heat pump, air conditioner or furnace to the living areas in your home. All of the air moving through your ducts has been heated or cooled with energy you pay for, so it’s in your economic interest to get all of that air to its destination where you can enjoy it. When you have leaks, however, some of that heated or cooled air spills out into spaces where you don’t get the benefit of it.
By investing a bit of time and money in duct sealing, you can raise your home’s energy efficiency by as much as 20 percent. More efficiency means less money spent on utility bills. Although ductwork sealing is a small investment, you can typically make the money back in energy savings over a short period of time.
Other benefits of ductwork sealing include a cleaner environment inside and out. Inside your home, when your ducts have leaks, they can pull in dust and microorganisms from the area surrounding them and redistribute those particles throughout your house. Sealing ducts helps keep these asthma and allergy triggers out of your ducts and out of the air you breathe.
The outside environment is affected when you use more energy to compensate for what is lost through leaky ducts. Most HVAC systems run on fuel that causes pollution during the process of turning it into useable energy. By reducing your energy usage, you also reduce the amount of pollution that’s generated.
For more information about ductwork sealing or any other HVAC matters, contact Symbiont Service Corp. We’re proud to serve the Florida Suncoast.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Englewood, Florida and surrounding areas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about ductwork sealing and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
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