How Important is Pool Temperature in Your Community?
The focus of our most recent seminar was on desired and required
water temperatures for various forms of swimming pools.
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Today we’re bringing you more content from the seminar we recently held. In case you missed it, see the first part here! This time, the topic of discussion was swimming pool heating methods and the host was Troy Conner, our new business development and energy consultant.
Depending on the area, the desired water temperature for a pool ranges from 84 to 88 degrees. In Naples, for example, 87 or 88 degrees is the standard setting, but in Englewood, desired temperature varies between 84 and 86 degrees. It comes down to personal preference, but it’s very important in designing a pool system. As for spas, the temperature range shrinks a bit—102 to 104 degrees. According to Florida state law, your spa must not exceed 104 degrees.
How Important is Pool Temperature in Your Community?
As you can see on the slide at 1:05 above, the American Red Cross sets water temperature requirements for pools available to the public. A pool set at 78 degrees would be like jumping into a bath of ice water for most of us, but the Red Cross says that’s the perfect temperature for a fitness pool. The ideal setting for recreational pools and therapy pools, according to them, is 81 degrees and 86 degrees, respectively.
Depending on the area, the desired water temperature
for a pool ranges from 84 to 88 degrees.
The International Swimming Federation (FINA) also specifies water temperature rules for pools used in sporting events. Have you ever noticed and wondered why officials check the temperature of the pool immediately after a competitive swimmer sets a new record of some kind? It’s because in Olympic and lower levels of competition, the pool’s temperature must be between 77 and 82 degrees. If the temperature is outside that range, it actually gives the athlete an advantage and the record can be negated.
Moving on, FINA requires pool temperatures to be at 79 degrees for water polo, synchronized swimming, and diving contests. Interestingly, most of the colleges here in Florida keep their diving wells significantly warmer than that—somewhere in the 84-degree range. On the other hand, temperatures over 82 degrees can actually cause lap swimmers to become overheated, which, in turn, hurts their performance.
If you have any questions about what we covered today or you’d like more information on the specifics of pool temperatures, please let us know. We look forward to hearing from you!
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