Pros & Cons Of Geothermal Energy
If you’re looking to make updates and upgrades to the heating and cooling unit at your home, office or in your swimming pool, you may have heard about the benefits of geothermal energy. At Symbiont Service Corp, geothermal experts in Englewood, Florida we talk with our customers about the pros & cons of geothermal energy all the time.
Knowing all of the benefits and potential drawbacks of a geothermal energy system in your home, your office or for the family swimming pool allows you to make the best and most informed decision possible for your heating and cooling needs.
Pros & Cons Of Geothermal Energy
Please read over this list, then give us a call to discuss any questions or concerns the pros and cons may have raised. We can also do a site visit to determine if your home, pool or office is a great candidate for a geothermal energy system.
- Geothermal energy is environmentally-friendly. It is a green energy, won’t increase your carbon footprint and is virtually emission-free.
- Geothermal energy is a renewable energy source. The energy is extracted from the core of the earth and as long as the earth is around (and it will be!) you will have access to geothermal energy. Fossil fuels may have an expiration date as to its availability, but geothermal doesn’t; it will be around for another five billion years!
- There is no additional fuel needed. No transportation or mining is required to supply geothermal energy to your home.
- The cost of geothermal energy to a homeowner or commercial building owner is much less than would be paid for other forms of energy. The installation of a geothermal unit isn’t inexpensive, but the savings reaped over the long run can run as high as 60%. the unit will pay for itself in a few years.
- Geothermal energy is in abundant supply. If the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing, solar and wind-powered energy may run out — geothermal won’t.
- The geothermal energy unit won’t take up much room in your yard. Pipes for the geothermal unit are laid underground to extract the energy.
Along with the pros, we want to pass along the cons so you can make an informed decision. Some of the cons include:
- Geothermal may be better-suited to one region of the country than others. Englewood, Florida is an ideal location and region for geothermal.
- The pump does require electricity to operate. You can install solar panels to help alleviate the cost and usage of this non-green energy.
- The cost of the geothermal unit and installation may be costly, but it’s estimated the units pay for themselves in five to ten years, depending on your usage.
- There is a minimal risk that the installation of a geothermal energy plant can trigger an earthquake. Hydraulic fracturing is considered integral for a large scale project.
Regardless of the type of energy used to heat or cool a home, pool or office, there are advantages and disadvantages. Please ask us for information and advice on the installation of your geothermal unit.
We educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about energy costs and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
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