Is Geothermal Technology Right For Your Florida Home?
Geothermal energy and its technologies are not new. In fact, geothermal technology for heating and cooling homes has been around for quite some time. If you’ve ever wondered, “is geothermal technology right for your Florida home?” we have some answers and insights to help you make an informed decision.
Many Englewood, Florida (and the surrounding areas) understand the benefits of geothermal and are interested in having the heating and cooling technology at their homes. If you’re still wondering whether your home is suited for this type of heating and cooling, we want to give you some information that takes into consideration the Florida environment and weather.
Is Geothermal Technology Right For Your Florida Home?
What is a geothermal heat pump?
If you hear the phrase geothermal and geothermal heat pump you may think that a heat pump is the operative term. Don’t dismiss geothermal because of heat pump technology and usage. A heat pump, used at a Florida home is an ideal way to heat and cool your home. In the warm weather, a heat pump pumps the indoor heat into the earth, pulling it away from your home. In cooler weather, the heat pump will collect the warmth from inside the earth and pump it into your home — heating it efficiently and economically.
Here are the top three reasons that geothermal technology for heating and cooling your home is ideal:
Florida’s climate. In Florida, we are blessed with being one of the sunniest states in the country. Because of this, the earth absorbs solar energy from the sun and stores it underground. Solar energy is generated even on cloudy days. Subterranean geothermal technology, which is stored about six feet underground, taps into naturally occurring energy and warms (or cools) your home.
Energy efficiency. When you have a geothermal system installed at your home you could potentially decrease household energy utility bills and consumption by up to 50%. Geothermal energy and its performance is more energy-efficient than even the highest-rated energy-efficient gas-operated HVAC units.
Water source installation. Homeowners who live near a lake or pond or another water source will find the installation of their geothermal unit more affordable, efficient and easier. Underground pipes may be able to be installed at the bottom of the water source. The benefit of this type of installation is that water conducts energy more efficiently than the earth does. This underwater installation will increase the units’ performance. Installing the geothermal unit underwater may even save money on the overall installation because it may require minimal digging as compared to putting the pipes underground.
Is geothermal heating and cooling technology the answer for your home and for decreasing what you pay for utility bills? Call Symbiont Service Corp. We can pay a site visit and let you know the right unit for your unique needs.
We educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about geothermal technology and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
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