Now Is The Time To Perform Pool Heater Service
Heading into the hot and humid months of the summer may not seem like the time to have pool heater service maintenance performed, but now is the time to perform pool heater service. The reason is: The schedules are more open and you may have an easier time getting the appointment of your choice and when your pool heater is serviced now, it will be ready for that inevitable cool snap (you know it’s coming!)
Community swimming pools in Englewood, Florida and across the state of Florida are beginning to open. The geothermal and swimming pool heater service professionals from Symbiont Service are in the field performing maintenance and upkeep on the more than 30 YMCA swimming pool heaters we inspect. Rest assured that when our technicians are on site they are wearing masks and gloves and maintain a more than six foot distance from one another. It is also not necessary for our technicians to have to interact with the YMCA or other swimming pool owner if the owner doesn’t want to.
Now Is The Time To Perform Pool Heater Service
What do we do during a swimming pool heater inspection visit?
- Prevent nuisance breakdowns by performing thorough examinations of all equipment
- Check operational efficiency
- Provide a 10% off parts discount for breakdown repairs, and more
- Check refrigerant levels
- Check electrical contacts for pitting or evidence of burns
- Check the control systems for the pool heater
- Inspect the thermostat for easy readability and to assure the temperature that is displayed is correctly calibrated
- Inspect for deterioration of pipes and valves
- Check for water leaks
- Make note of potential issues that need to be addressed
The customers with whom we work on swimming pool heater maintenance are made comfortable during this time of quarantine (and beyond because of our passion about pool heater maintenance).
Prevent breakdowns. Save money. Sign up for our maintenance program today.
Our geothermal professionals perform a 28-point pool heater maintenance inspection when they pay a service visit. You can look at what is included and involved in the 28-point inspection here.
Some of the items included are:
Check and clean evaporator and plate heat exchangers
Check discharge well pressure
Check pool flow
Check supply well vacuum
Note all corrosion spots and apply protective film, if necessary
Check all wire connections
Test compressor’s running amperages
We educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about ductwork and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
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