AC and Pool Heaters for a 6,500 sq. ft. Home, Pt. 1
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We have some excellent news to share today. Included in the stimulus signing at the end of the year was an upgrade to the GeoThermal energy tax credit through 2023. The 26% tax credit that was in effect in 2020 will continue through 2022. In 2023 it will decrease to 22%, and we hope they extend it further from there.
Today we’re in a home in Sarasota, Florida, that has roughly 6,500 sq. ft. that needs air conditioning. Three units take care of this house’s cooling needs: they’re five tons, have variable speeds, and are the most efficient things we can offer a customer. (You can see them at 0:47 in the video above). There are also some indoor air quality components built-in, such as the MERV 11 filters that are the best for filtering the air.
“Another great perk of this system is that
there’s very little noise on the inside of the home and none on the outside.”
Here in Florida, we deal with times of the year where air conditioners simply don’t run long enough to keep the humidity down adequately in our homes. So each GeoThermal system has a central whole-home dehumidifier; during the times of year when the A/C isn’t running as much, these will keep the humidity down and maintain your comfort. They also assist with overall air quality.
To save space in this house, we have the second- and third-floor units in one mechanical closet. The third unit runs on an IntelliZone 2 control system, and there are thermostats in each guest bedroom so they can get their desired temperature. There are also main thermostats for each zone that tell them what to do; you can program them to do almost anything you want to suit your lifestyle. Another great perk of this system is that there’s very little noise on the inside of the home and none on the outside.
Any time we use well water as our source, we use a titanium intermediate heat exchanger, which has well water on one side and the closed-loop water on the other. (You can see this at 3:13 in the video). To circulate the water through the closed loop, we simply have flow centers for each individual unit. That way we can control the water to get the longevity we expect out of the units.
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