Air Conditioning Maintenance
Join us as we follow one of our service technicians as he maintains a client’s air conditioner.
Planned maintenance is very important.
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We want our customers to be comfortable. The purpose of the video is to explain the importance of maintenance on their a/c systems. Though your a/c system warranty is not dependent on having maintenance, the manufacturer recommends it. By having the system looked at, we can look for a potential failure point for your system. Burnt relays, loose wires, and weak capacitors are some of the items we can find that will cause a nuisance breakdown. We also clean the condensate drains, treat rust, replace filters, clean/inspect the coils, and provide discounts on parts/repairs. Maintenance will extend the life of your system, prevent nuisance breakdowns, and help maintain the efficiency of your unit.
Feel free to take a look at our 32-point checklist here or visit our air conditioning maintenance page. If you’re interested in preventative maintenance on your AC system, please reach out. We look forward to hearing from you.
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