GeoThermal Air Conditioning
One York® GeoThermal heat pump will provide heating, cooling, and supplemental hot water for your home. A variety of sizes and configurations are available, so no matter your home or climate, a GeoThermal heat pump will work for you.
No combustion or flames are used to operate a geothermal heat pump, making it a safe choice for your home and family. Our systems merely move heat to and from the ground rather than by burning natural gas, propane, or oil.
Environmentally Responsible
Since our units don’t burn expensive, polluting fossil fuels, they’re the most environmentally responsible options available today. Replacing a furnace and/or air conditioner with geothermal can minimize acid rain threats, air pollution, and the greenhouse effect.
Cost Effective
GeoThermal heat pumps are so efficient that any added cost over traditional equipment is usually recovered in just a few years. And because they have a lifespan of 20-25 years, your investment will last longer and your return on investment will grow year by year.
Cost-Efficient, Eco-Friendly Air Conditioning for Homes & Commercial Properties
GeoThermal air conditioners offer the same cost and environmental benefits for all applications — whether you’re considering going GeoThermal in your own home or a commercial property. GeoThermal technology harnesses the energy stored beneath the Earth’s surface, using it to heat and cool your residence or building. Thus, GeoThermal air conditioning systems are more efficient and longer lasting than other types of heating and cooling equipment on the market.
GeoThermal HVAC Sales & Service in Southwest Florida
We sell, install and service York®, GeoComfort, and WaterFurnace GeoThermal air conditioning systems in the following Southwest Florida counties:
- Manatee County
- Sarasota County
- Charlotte County
- Lee County
- Collier Countu
Get a free, detailed quote on a GeoThermal air conditioner today:
800.881.4328 (Toll Free)
Top Reasons to Choose GeoThermal Air Conditioning
The following benefits apply to GeoThermal air conditioning systems installed in both residential and commercial applications:
1. Save Up to 70% on Heating / Cooling Costs
More efficient operation compared to conventional air conditioners means lower electric bills. Even though the installation price of a GeoThermal system can be several times that of an air-source system of the same heating and cooling capacity, the additional costs are returned to you in energy savings in 5 to 10 years. Your total cost – installation and operation – over the lifetime of a GeoThermal system may be lower than that of a conventional air conditioning system.
2. 25 – 50 Year Equipment Life Expectancy
System life is estimated at 25 years for the inside components and 50+ years for the ground loop as stated by the Department of Energy. There are approximately 50,000 geothermal heat pumps installed in the United States each year.
3. Environmental Benefits
GeoThermal energy is a renewable and sustainable source of clean energy. The York®, WaterFurnace and GeoComfort systems we offer have no carbon dioxide emissions or any other negative effects on the environment. Plus, by installing a GeoThermal system, you are helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions which are responsible for climate change.
4. Excellent Comfort Year-Round
GeoThermal air conditioners’ performance and efficiency are not affected by the outdoor ambient weather (hot or cold temperatures). This means consistent temperatures in your home or building year-round.
5. Quieter Than Your Refrigerator
GeoThermal heat pumps have no outside condensing units like air conditioners, so there’s no concern about noise outside the home. A two-speed GeoThermal heat pump system is so quiet inside a house that users usually do not know it is operating. GeoThermal air conditioners are typically quieter than your refrigerator.
6. Little Maintenance Required
GeoThermal heat pumps have less components and are typically located indoors, limiting exposure to harsh corrosive environments. Like all heating and cooling systems, proper maintenance is key to efficient operation. The difference between the energy consumption of a well-maintained heat pump and a severely neglected one ranges from 10% to 25%. Changing filters regularly is an important part of maintaining a heat pump system. Clean or change filters once a month or as needed, and maintain the system according to manufacturer’s instructions. Dirty filters, coils, and fans reduce airflow through the system. Reduced airflow decreases system performance.
7. Free Domestic Hot Water
In addition to cooling and heating your home for further savings, GeoThermal heat pumps equipped with a device called a “desuperheater” can heat household water. In the summer cooling period, the heat that is taken from the house is used to heat the water for free. In the winter, water heating costs are reduced by about half. In fact, they can produce up to 60% of the hot water you use, while cooling/heating your home!
8. Safety
Heating and cooling are accomplished without the use of fossil fuels, eliminating the risk of carbon monoxide or fire.
9. GeoThermal Technology is Tried and True
GeoThermal Heat Pumps have been in use since the late 1940’s. Through the years, the technology has developed and has been proven time and again to be reliable and efficient. Symbiont was, and continues to be, both a leader in GeoThermal innovation and a pioneer in the industry in Florida since 1983.
Get a 30% Federal Tax Credit on a New GeoThermal Air Conditioning System.
Under the Inflation Reduction Act in August 2022, the GeoThermal tax credits have been extended through December 31, 2034. The 30% tax credit will reduce to 26% in 2033, then to 22% in 2034, before it expires altogether. Act soon to save the most on your GeoThermal installation!
Why Choose a GeoThermal System from Symbiont Service Corp.?
- Our GeoThermal systems are tried and true. We’ve installed many residential and commercial GeoThermal Systems throughout the state of Florida since 1983.
- The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association and the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium include Symbiont Service Corp in their listings of qualified installers.
- Symbiont was, and continues to be, both a pioneer in the GeoThermal industry and a leader in innovation in Florida since 1983.
- We specialize in residential and commercial pool heaters and air conditioning systems.
- We are state licensed for electrical installations and service. With Symbiont Service Corp, there is no need to subcontract your electrical requirements for air conditioning or pool heating.
- “One Company, One Call, Complete Comfort!” This means that we will not only install your GeoThermal system, but we’ll be there to service and maintain your unit, too.
- You don’t have to take our word for it. Read real reviews from our many satisfied customers.
Ready to go GeoThermal? Get a free, detailed quote on a GeoThermal air conditioner today:
800.881.4328 (Toll Free)
How Does GeoThermal Air Conditioning Work?
Geo =
Thermal =
GeoThermal means earth heat.
Fundamentally, GeoThermal systems work differently than ordinary heating and cooling systems. Conventional systems have to produce heat by burning some type of fuel, typically propane, natural gas or fuel oil. GeoThermal systems don’t create heat; instead they collect and distribute it.
First, you should realize that the earth absorbs and stores nearly half of the sun’s solar energy. As a result, at a depth of six feet it maintains a fairly constant temperature of 70 to 75 degrees F in Florida. The GeoThermal system taps into that free, renewable energy and puts it to work by using a water-source heat pump. The heat pump transfers the free heat from the earth via a loop system to heat your home in the winter.
In the summer, this process is reversed in order to cool the home. Heat is drawn from the home, rejected to the loop system, and absorbed by the earth. The result is a comfortable home all year round. Since most of the energy used for heating and cooling is free from the earth, GeoThermal systems are the most efficient and environmentally-friendly option on the market today. What you pay for is the electricity to operate the pump and compressor.
Types of GeoThermal Loop Systems
- Pond Loop
When a water body is available, the sealed piping loop can be submerged beneath the surface. - Well Water Loop
Where groundwater is adequate, well water can be used directly without a sealed piping loop. - Horizontal Slinky Loop
When a water body is not available, the sealed piping loop can be buried a minimum of 6’ beneath the earth’s surface horizontally.
Where Does GeoThermal Air Conditioning Work?
The answer is, practically anywhere!
GeoThermal energy can be harvested for use in heating and cooling throughout the United States.
Florida is an Ideal Environment for GeoThermal Air Conditioning
Florida well water temperatures are an excellent “Heat Source” and “Heat Sink” for heating and cooling. Compared with northern states, where the average ground water temperature is 54°F, Florida ground water maintains a year-round average temperature of 75°F. With a constant 75°F well water temperature as a heat source in the winter and heat sink in the summer, a GeoThermal system operates at maximum efficiency during any season.
How Does Using GeoThermal Energy Benefit the Environment?
Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
GeoThermal is a safe and clean alternative energy source. It uses little land and does not require the use of fossil fuels, thereby reducing carbon emissions from buildings by about 50%. In fact, every new GeoThermal system installed causes a carbon emissions reduction equivalent to planting an acre of trees or taking two cars off the road. Because it draws from the heat that is already available beneath the earth’s surface, GeoThermal energy is also renewable and sustainable.
Are You Ready to Go GeoThermal?
Specialized technical knowledge and equipment is needed to properly install the piping, so a GHP system installation is not a do-it-yourself project. The International Ground Source Heat Pump Association and the Geothermal Heat Pump Consortium include Symbiont Service Corp in their listings of qualified installers. Call Symbiont Service Corp today, or click the live chat window to your right to connect immediately with one of our friendly representatives. We’ll be glad to answer any remaining questions.