Geothermal Systems: 3 Guiding Factors That Will Green-Light Your Project
Geothermal systems, which are designed to take advantage of the natural heat found just below the surface of the Earth, are not only economical to operate, but are environmentally friendly as well. Together, these two factors have more homeowners than ever opting to use geothermal heat in their homes.
Establishing whether or not geothermal heat is a good choice for your home starts with a careful evaluation of your building site. The following three factors will determine not only whether your site can support a geothermal system, but also which type of system to install:
- Geology: The underlying geology surrounding your home or building site plays a significant role in determining the feasibility and overall effectiveness of a geothermal heating and cooling system. Factors such as the type and depth of soil as well as any underground rock formations help determine whether or not geothermal is an option as well as what type of system to install.
Hydrology. Ground water or surface water availability also contributes to the design of geothermal systems. If you have a clean, high-quality water source available, you may be able to use an open-loop system. The main advantage of open-loop geothermal systems is that they are less expensive to install than closed-loop systems. However, closed-loop systems offer a number of benefits as well including greater reliability and lower maintenance. A qualified contractor can help you decide which system is best suited to your unique location. - Land space: Factors such as the amount of space you have available to install a system, your existing landscaping and the location of underground utilities all play a role in determining the type, size and location of a geothermal system.
The best way to decide whether or not geothermal is a good choice for your home is to hire a qualified contractor to evaluate your site. If you live in Florida and are interested in learning more about geothermal systems, contact us at Symbiont Service Corp.
Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about geothermal systems and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas. Visit our websiteto see our special offers and get started today!
Geothermal image via Shutterstock |
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