Is Your Attic Insulation Sufficient?
Is the heated and cooled air in your home going right out through the roof? In many cases it is! If you have never wondered, “Is your attic insulation sufficient?” you may be paying for heated and cooled air for which you’re gaining no benefit. The reason for this is that in many Florida homes, the most neglected area is the attic. The home’s attic is an area that needs to be inspected when a service contractor is doing a heating and cooling audit.
Many homes lose up to 25% of heated and cooled air through the roof simply because the attic insulation is not sufficient. When you consider that the cost of heating and cooling your home can account for up to 70% of all of the utility bills for the home you can see how substantial this can be and the bite it can take out of your family’s budget.
When you have the attic properly insulated and ventilated you can save money in both your utility bills and by being able to extend the life of your heating and cooling system simply because it will be running more efficiently.
The attic in a Florida home is usually small, but that doesn’t mean it can be neglected when you’re putting in a new heating or cooling system or when you’re having your current unit serviced. Did you know that in an attic in Florida that is improperly insulated the temperature can soar as high as 150 degrees? This heated air will travel into your home’s living areas and will make your air conditioner work harder and for more hours of the day to keep your home comfortably cool.