Is It Time To Upgrade Your Heating & Cooling Systems?
Now that 2017 is wrapping up and 2018 is fast approaching you may be wondering, “is it time to upgrade your heating & cooling systems?” It is a personal decision as well as an economical one. Whether you’re finding that your heating and cooling bills have risen in the past season or if you can “just tell” that it’s not working as efficiently as it should, it might be time to call in a #geothermal professional to provide a complementary on-site inspection of your heating and cooling systems and give you insight as to the benefits and potential cost savings of upgrading to more energy efficient equipment and upgrading the heating and cooling systems to geothermal.
The Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency founded the Energy Star program in the 1990s as a way to protect the environment and reduce energy usage. They did this by having bright blue Energy Star labels placed on consumer products that met the strict energy guidelines the agency set forth. Consumers could tell, at a glance, whether the product they were going to buy were energy efficient.
Is It Time To Upgrade Your Heating & Cooling Systems?
When the Energy Star program was initially put into place the labeling was limited to computers and monitors. Over time the program expanded to include a appliances, electronics, heating and cooling equipment. There are even houses and commercial buildings being constructed that have been, and can be, labeled with the Energy Star rating.
If you’re in the market for heating and cooling equipment here are some of the advantages for investing in Energy Star products:
- If you’re using a furnace that burns fossil fuels, making a switch to an energy efficient model can help protect the environment and conserve natural resources. Geothermal energy uses no fossil fuels and is kind to the environment.
- Energy Star-rated products consume less energy and that means they can save you money on home cooling and heating.
- To reduce energy usage, many manufacturers will use higher-quality components and incorporate advanced technologies into the energy-efficient appliances. Lower end, or standard, appliances will not be equipped with as high quality or advanced technology and will still work just fine, but will not be as energy efficient. The higher quality, Energy Star-rated equipment typically have fewer repair calls and will outlast and out perform the lower-end equipment and this means you will get a higher return on your investment.
When you’re setting your budget for equipment replacement, understand that even if you’re paying more up front for Energy Star-rated equipment you will see a return on your investment in savings because of lower repair bills and in monthly utility savings.
Contact us at Symbiont Service Corp. to learn more about Energy Star equipment as well as the energy-efficient and affordable geothermal systems we provide for homes and offices.
We educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For information about energy star and other HVAC topics, download our free Home Comfort Resource guide.
Symbiont Service Corp. serves Englewood, Florida and the surrounding areas.Visit our website to see our special offers and get started today!
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